Tuesday 31 July 2012

Pests! Sandflies


We all hate them more than mosquitoes. Everybody knows what mosquitoes bite us for, and what can they do and spread etc. Sandflies got to be much worse by a mile.

They are so tiny, and so hard to find. They aren't as sloppy as mosquitoes, they fly pretty fast. Also, they love to disturb us when we're on our walks. Also, one little bite would only begin to feel the itch after few hours or a day later, and it would really itch very badly.

The term "sandfly" is applied to a wide range of species which are those biting critters. Being in Order Dipteria, they are generally true flies, including mosquitoes and houseflies. They are very much like female mosquitoes, biting us for the blood needed to produce eggs. Mosquitoes can spread diseases such as malaria and dengue, and sandflies can transmit leishmaniasis, a potentially lethal disease.

A good way to deal with bites is to not get bitten by these. Best, avoid the shore or damp places, or really do apply insect repellent. Long pants, long sleeves would help very well. If bitten, scratching would cause your skin to get itchier, bleed and infected, and still itchy. Leave it to heal naturally and not to scratch it would probably be the best method. Google is an alternative source of solutions too.

Well, just take care of yourself.

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