Tuesday 31 July 2012

Underwater World

Ray Pool

Today we arrived at the underwater world in sentosa just in time to watch it open. While people paused to take pictures, we proceeded to look at a shallow shark tank just in front of the entrance which was unfortunately not a touch pool. The stingray pool, however, was where we had a chance to to touch big marine animals. The stingrays were big and slimy.

Next we went to the bigger shark pool to see bigger sharks and it was also not a touch pool. IT was followed by a whole room full of tanks which contained long fish, alongside a room clustered with crabs. Then we saw some jellyfish. Glowing jellyfifh. Also glowing gastropods.

We went on the travelator afterwards. We soon had to run off to a dolphin and seals interactive show, but it was really short. This is followed by a few more trips around the exibitions before our transport came and we had to leave.

Here are some pictures we took

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