Thursday 13 December 2012


Welcome to our blog, Kimmode123. We are the Kim Mode Team. Here we will post about the marine organisms we have seen during our various field trips. All creatures featured on this blog have been spotted and seen personally by us. Also included are our reflections of the field trips, and the pictures we have taken. Pictures NOT taken by us have been labeled with (R) to indicate that the picture is taken from one of our sources. All sources and references are included at the end of each post. 

We have done our best to identify as any marine creatures as possible(more than 40), and classified most of them into the posts "Mangroves!!","Echinoderms","Arthropods" and "Fishes".  The link Gallery will take you to our reflections posts, while "Marine Creatures I.D." will take you to other posts.

With gratitude for your time, 
The Kim Mode team.

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