Friday 17 August 2012

Pulah Hantu

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Marina bay pier, litter, shoreline at high tide, ghost crab hole entrance, mangrove seed

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plastic bag, shells, goby and buddy shrimp cleaning out cave

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Horse shoe crabs

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shails and sea grass

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shy hermit crab:)

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catfish school, monkey, sponges, sea grass, monkey

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blue swimmer crab

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Flipping starfish and grumpy nudibranch

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Nudibranch, seed, crab again, mangrave tree

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seagrass, bivalve, seedling of mangrove

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Sea grass, cone shell, squids lol

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crabs and snapping shrimp (full grown)

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sand collar, cone shell

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more sand collar tape sea grass, seed, stuff that grows on sea grass, other stuff that  grows on sea grass

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elbow crab, fiddler crab holes, cone shell

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fllat worms, sea anemone, crab

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other random stuff

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corals and nudibranch

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same nudibranch

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feathery sea star and annother kite snake

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collection of stuff

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fireworm, leaves, ferry with bad lighting

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